Valorant Genesis Melee

valorant genesis melee

Genesis Collection

Battle Pass: Episode 3 Act 3

Release: Nov 2nd 2021

The Valorant Genesis Melee was release on Nov 2nd 2021 and is part of the Episode 3, Act 3 Battle pass. The set contains a melee, shorty, Bucky and Operator, and each can be unlocked by purchasing the relevant Battle pass and unlocking the weapons by earning XP. The Genesis collection represents the top reward for this Battle pass, with the golden melee weapon, with each of the skins set in gold, purple and black. The skins have an exotic alien feel to them, with a purple glowing power source and an unknown alien script on the weapons.

radiant crisis 001 bat


radiant crisis 001 classic skin


radiant crisis 001 Bucky


radiant crisis 001 spectre


radiant crisis 001 phantom


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