– New Valorant Misericórdia knife coming as part of VCT LOCK//IN bundle
– Includes three variants, a spray, and cards
– Availaible from Feb 8th to March 7th

To celebrate the VCT LOCK//IN tournament, and as part of the rewards for competing teams, Valorant are releasing the VCT LOCK//IN capsule that contains, among other things (let’s face it, we only really care about the skins), the unique  Misericórdia knife.

As usual, 50% of the proceeds will go to the teams competing at the tournament, a nice gesture from RIOT – as well as clever marketing. It should be noted that this is a limited edition drop, meaning if you miss this its gone – no shop and no night market. It will be available by purchasing the capsule which we believe will be available from from Feb 8th to March 7th (we are hearing a few different dates but this seems the most reliable). 

valorant sakura classic price

Prices aren’t certain at the moment, but we do know that three variants will be coming with the knife, so there’s purple, green and blue in adition to the red. In adition to the three cards in the bundle, there will also be a animations and a spray.


valorant sakura classic price


valorant sakura classic price


valorant sakura classic price


valorant sakura classic price